Kopi NUTRIIE is made from naturally unique ingredients in each of its products which are healthy and safe for consumption. The coffee beans used are Arabica beans and the ingredients are extracted naturally in the form of powder from vegetables and herbal plants & roots such as:-


Original and Premium Gold Premix

Cumin Seed / Habatussauda

According to a Hadith, Al-Habbatus Sauda is a remedy for all diseases except death. It contains Thymoquinone (TQ). Omega 3, 6,and 9, which act as antioxidants, reduce inflammation, and promote liver health. It is used traditionally for various purposes including skin health, diabetes, asthma, colds, hair loss, sleep problems, muscle and joint pain, and treating gallstones.

Black Turmeric

Black turmeric is traditionally used to treat diseases and have a positive impact on health. The high content of curcumin enables black turmeric to act as a powerful anti-oxidant to fight free radicals and inflammation. Good for fighting cancer cells, any growth, diabetes and also to enjoy a youthful look.

Ceylon Cinnamon Stick

Studies have shown and found to be able to stabilize blood sugar levels. Studies also show that compounds in cinnamon have anti-oxidant, antiinflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti microbe properties that can provide protection against cancer and cadiovascular (heart) diseases.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd is a nutrient - rich vegetable that benefits the liver, muscles, and glycogen levels for energy. It contains phyto insulin to lower sugar levels and aid in weight management. Additionally, it is a natural multi-vitamin, packed with iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, folate, zinc, and vitamin 5. It also possesses 20 active chemicals with anti-HIV, anti diabetic, and anti-cancer properties.


Stevia is a sugar substitute produced from stevia leaves. Stevia extract has zero glycemic value (no calories) and has been accepted as a safe sugar substitute compared to sand sugar. Studies also states that the use of stevia as a sugar substitute can reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer and high blood pressure.

Butterfly Wing Leaves

Butterfly wing leaves are also an ingredient in traditional treatment for all kinds of diseases. It has the ability to act as a powerful anti oxidant to prevent various diseases including cancer and all kinds of internal growth.

Tongkat Ali

Tongkat ali is popular and is used as an extraordinary ingredient to treat various health problems. It also improves men's energy & sexual drives. Its mixed herbs is good for women's post baby delivery, treat body aches and ulcers. It also regulates blood flow and is ideal forboth men and women.


Maca is a herbal plant that has a high content of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Maca root is also used to prevent the formation of free radicals, increases energy, balances estrogen levels and improve the health of the uterus. Consuming maca root blend also helps to balance women's hormones.

Moringa Leaves

The best vegetable / super food category in the world. It is a cure for various types of diseases. Continuous intake of moringa will help reduce the risk of diabetes, fat formation, cholesterol, cancer, high blood pressure, growth and much more. Moringa also acts as an anti bacterial and anti-fungal substance. Moringa's high nutrients also helps the brain growth and its activeness.

Each sachet weighs 25grams and requiring only the addition of hot water of 180ml for preparation.

Kopi Nutriie Original is packaged with 15 sachets and Kopi Nutriie Gold Premix is packed with 12 sachets in 1 box respectively. The main difference between Kopi Nutriie Original and Gold Premix besides the price is the stronger taste and aroma.

The following are important health and main benefits obtained by consuming Kopi NUTRIIE every day for 30 days:

1. Diabetes will feel regulated / reduced sugar levels in the bloodstream

2. Those with high blood pressure and cholesterol will see an improvement

3. Due to the caffeine content & low acidity level, under 1.4% per sachet, the natural ingredients are also ideal for those who experiences stomach acidicity or acid reflux each time they consume caffeine

4. Increased energy and reduces fatigue

5. Regulates bowel movements due to the unique blend of ingredients

6. Suitable for all ages

Perfectly formulated, Kopi Nutriie Premix Gold is specially designed for the Hospitality, Corporate, Aviation, Restaurant industries and is also ideal as a corporate gift.

Key Product Indicators

Safe for Consumption - Certification from the Drug & Food Control Agency Indonesia (BPOM)

Helps regulates and stabilizes blood sugar and cholesterol levels in people with diabetes and high blood pressure

100% natural extracts from plants and vegetables

Less acidity level due to low caffeine content

Lab tests are carried out by certified laboratories & from SGS and Allied Chemist

Shelf life 2 years from production date

2.2g sugar derivative from non dairy-creamer (not milk based)

Suitable for all ages

Act as a blood purifier

Halal certificate from BJPH

Increase energy in the body

The first unique premix in Indonesia & in the world, RTM (Ready to mix)

High ORAC (total anti-oxidant capacity) content in cinnamon, turmeric & cumin.


2 (two) large laboratory tests were conducted from SGS and Allied Chemist covering many parameters, such as:

1. Nutritional Information to explain the derivative of all natural ingredients.
2. Bacterial & Heavy Metal reactivity test:
The result: not detected
3. Caffeine test - less than 1.4% in every 25 grams/sachet.